
UserID: #2384656 Joined: 2024-12-29 63 member views, 1471 guest views
halo, aku Amy translator solo🦖 raawr

Tl Manhwa🦕:
-the little lady behind the villain(berlangsung)
-i'm a homebody, but i ended up possessing a character in a devastating confinement novel(drop)
-the perfect plan to avoid the death ending(drop)

-the nightmare spirit boy(berlangsung)
-monster hunting command(tunda)
-after being reborn i was surrounded by enemies cubs(tunda)
-dawn the teen witch(berlangsung)
-moon voice(berlangsung)
-back to spring(berlangsung)

original komik✨:
-the perfect doll to be the next succssor(tunda)

Chapters (27)