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🇮🇩Kedatangan tertunda (drop)

Sunsak / Seodan / Alde / BDZ
Chapter 18
Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife.

Conquering the Academy with Just a Sashimi Knife.

Chew the Academy With a Sashimi Stick / Chewed Up the Academy With a Bag of Sashimi / I Took Over the Academy With a Single Sashimi Knife / 사시미 한 자루로 아카데미를 씹어먹음
GMAN / Tang Ahulu
🇰🇷Seinen(M),Ecchi,Action,Drama,Fantasy,Harem,School Life
Chapter 22
Ahli Serangga

🇮🇩Ahli Serangga

파브르 in 사천당 / Entomologist in Sichuan Tang Clan / The Poison Master of Sacheondang Clan
🇰🇷Shoujo(G),Shounen(B),Action,Animals,Isekai,Kids,Martial Arts
Kiss of Damnation [Mature Official]

Kiss of Damnation [Mature Official]

🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Mature,Smut,Drama,Full Color,Romance
Telur Duyung

🇮🇩Telur Duyung

Mermaid's egg/年年有鱼了!
Tang Shi Wan
🇨🇳Manhua,Animals,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Magic,Romance,Shounen ai
Chapter 10
Jejak kaki binatang buas [CaramelChoco]

🇮🇩Jejak kaki binatang buas [CaramelChoco]

짐승의 발자국 / Beast's footprint
Chomcom / Diteuli
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Adaptation,College life,Office Workers,Romance
Pamit 😔
Tangled Emotions

Tangled Emotions

Mishiranu Hero
Catherine George / BEPPU Chizuko
Chapter 1
The Reason Santa Comes at Night (Tanpa sensor)

🇮🇩The Reason Santa Comes at Night (Tanpa sensor)

The Reason Santa Comes at Night / サンタが夜に来る理由 / Alasan Santa Datang di Malam Hari
Kasshoku Waisei (Yanagi)
🇯🇵Manga,Oneshot,Yaoi(BL),Smut,Full Color,Slice of Life
Doumeki-sama, yang membenci manusia, ingin melihat segala sesuatu tentang gadis yang dikorbankan.

🇮🇩Doumeki-sama, yang membenci manusia, ingin melihat segala sesuatu tentang gadis yang dikorbankan.

Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san

Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san

となりの吸血鬼さん / 邻家的吸血鬼小妹 / Ms. Vampire who lives in my neighborhood / Tetangga Masa Vampir
amatou / tonari no kyuuketsuki-san 70
Comedy,Slice of Life
Chapter 28
Menjadi Istri Manusia Binatang

🇮🇩Menjadi Istri Manusia Binatang

I Became the Beastman's Wife / I Became the Beast’s Girl / Passing Through to Be the Beastman's Pampered Wife After I Get Panicky / 穿成兽人娇妻后我慌了
Luo Fei Qiu Se / 九川动漫(Art)
🇨🇳Manhua,Josei(W),Seinen(M),Shoujo(G),Shounen(B),Adult,Adventure,Animals,Beasts,Comedy,Reverse Harem,Romance,Survival,Transmigration,Villainess
Chapter 32
Kisah Tentang Kitsune Memanggil Iblis

🇮🇩Kisah Tentang Kitsune Memanggil Iblis

Maboku / Komaturi1
🇯🇵Oneshot,Fantasy,Ghosts,Magic,Monster Girls,Monsters,Romance
Permaisuri Dunia Binatang

🇮🇩Permaisuri Dunia Binatang

Chapter 161
Wolf & Mary

Wolf & Mary

zheng jian he / tang chi fai
Chapter 3
The Silent Concubine II [Official]

The Silent Concubine II [Official]

Amor Silencioso / Die Stumme Konkubine / El siervo mudo / Le concubin silencieux / Mute Slave / Nô Lệ Câm / Silent Lover / Silent Lover 2 / The Silent Concubine 2 / Ya Nu / Yǎ Nú / Á Nô / Ách Nô / ชายาใบ้ / 哑奴 / 哑奴2:探花 / 啞奴 / 愛も憎しみも沈黙の中で / 그 남자가 대신 시집간 사정
Qiang Tang / The Shubl Website / kkworld / Baili Junxi
🇨🇳Manhua,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Adaptation,Drama,Full Color,Historical,Shounen ai
Chapter 63
The Boy Who Stole From the Fairy Lake {PandaBigbang}

🇮🇩The Boy Who Stole From the Fairy Lake {PandaBigbang}

Seonnyeotang Theft Case / The Seonnyeotang Theft / The Fairy Bath Thief / The Seonnyeotang Robbery Incident / 선녀탕 도난사건
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Comedy,Drama,Full Color,Historical,Romance,Shounen ai
Episode Spesial
I Can't Write About This Kiss [Lilacqueen]

🇮🇩I Can't Write About This Kiss [Lilacqueen]

I Can't Write About This Kiss / This Kiss Can't Be an Article / Kono Kiss wa Kiji ni Dekinai / このキスは記事にできない / Aku Tidak Bisa Menulis Tentang Ciuman Ini
Nishimoto rou
Selamat Datang, Papa

🇮🇩Selamat Datang, Papa

Okaeri, Papa / Welcome Back, Papa / おかえり、パパ
Chapter 4
Asa mo, Hiru mo, Yoru mo

Asa mo, Hiru mo, Yoru mo

朝も、昼も、夜も。 / Asa mo Hiru mo Yoru mo / Asa mo / Hiru mo / Yoru mo / Asamo Hirumo Yorumo / Morning / Noon and Night / Umaga / Tanghali at Gabi / Сутрин / Обед / Вечер(B
aoki kotomi
Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life
Chapter 5
Ballroom e Youkoso

🇷🇺Ballroom e Youkoso

ボールルームへようこそ / Bienvenidos a la Pista de Baile / Bienvenue au bal / 볼룸에 오신것을 환영합니다 / 舞动青春 / Selamat Datang di Lantai Dansa / Sweep over the Dance Hall / Welcome to the Ballroom
takeuchi tomo
Shounen(B),Comedy,Drama,School Life,Slice of Life,Sports
Volume 5 Chapter 21
Sea Tiger

Sea Tiger

Pendekar Laut
wan yat leung / tang chi fai
Action,Drama,Fantasy,Martial Arts,Sci-Fi
Chapter 1
Sealed Divine Throne

Sealed Divine Throne

神印王座 / THRONE / Shen Yin Wang Zuo
tang jia san shao / sariel / sealed divine throne 219
Chapter 218
Gausah datang ke toko stationery mbak ini

🇮🇩Gausah datang ke toko stationery mbak ini

악녀의 문구점에 오지 마세요!. / Please Don’t Come To The Villainess’ Stationery Store!
여로은 / Haji 하지
Chapter 1
All About Dominative And Exclusive Destruction

All About Dominative And Exclusive Destruction

독점적이고 배타적인 파멸에 관하여 | Tentang Penghancuran Eksklusif dan Eksklusif
Hyeon Minye and Bullye
🇰🇷Manhwa,Josei(W),Seinen(M),Adult,Bloody,Ecchi,Hentai,Mature,Smut,Violence,Drama,Fetish,Full Color,Psychological
Chapter 4
Menjinakkan suami binatang

🇮🇩Menjinakkan suami binatang

Luo fei qiu se / 九川动漫
Selamat datang di apartemen hantu

🇮🇩Selamat datang di apartemen hantu

訳アリ心霊マンション / Welcome Ghost Mansion / Selamat datang di apaetemen hantu
🇯🇵Manga,Seinen(M),Comedy,Ghosts,Horror,Monsters,Shounen ai,Slice of Life
Kisah tentang Kasir Toserba dengan Suara yang Pelan

🇮🇩Kisah tentang Kasir Toserba dengan Suara yang Pelan

声の小さいコンビニ店員の話 / A Story About a Convenience Store Clerk With a Quiet Voice
Kisah Tentang Seorang Istri yang Datang dari Masa Depan untuk Menghentikan Seseorang yang Ingin Bunuh Diri

🇮🇩Kisah Tentang Seorang Istri yang Datang dari Masa Depan untuk Menghentikan Seseorang yang Ingin Bunuh Diri

未来から自殺を止めに来た嫁の話 / A Story About a Wife Who Came From the Future to Stop Someone From Committing Suicide
🇯🇵Oneshot,Shounen(B),Time Travel,Tragedy
Selamat Datang, Kazu-kun

🇮🇩Selamat Datang, Kazu-kun

創作漫画です / Welcome Home, Kazu-kun
🇯🇵Oneshot,Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
love note

🇮🇹love note

haem satang
Kisah Tentang Urusan yang Belum Selesai di Akhir Tahun

🇮🇩Kisah Tentang Urusan yang Belum Selesai di Akhir Tahun

年末やり残したことがある人の話 / End of Year's Unfinished Business
🇯🇵Oneshot,Shounen(B),Office Workers,Romance,Slice of Life
Manga tentang Gadis Cantik

🇮🇩Manga tentang Gadis Cantik

美少女まんが描きました / A Manga about a Beautiful Girl
Mattaku Moosuke
🇯🇵Oneshot,Shounen(B),Animals,Comedy,Romance,School Life
Chapter 6
Office Witch Falls in Love  [TangWutong]

🇮🇩Office Witch Falls in Love [TangWutong]

社畜魔女谈恋爱真难 /
Manhua,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Magic,Office Workers,Reincarnation,Romance
Chapter 1
Berich, Beloved [TangWutong]

🇮🇩Berich, Beloved [TangWutong]

Be Rich, Beloved / 《贫穷游戏》-为了5000万谈恋爱
Manhua,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Chapter 2
وہ آدمی جو میرے اوپر رہتا ہے۔

🇵🇰وہ آدمی جو میرے اوپر رہتا ہے۔

MAS ADAM JADI PSIKOPAT! / The Guy Upstairs / Pria Yang Tinggal Di Lantai Atas / El Chico De Arriba / Tetangga Psikopat
Hanza Arts
🇲🇾Comic,Webtoon,Josei(W),Silver & Golden,Seinen(M),Adult,Bloody,Gore,Mature,Violence,Action,Adventure,Cheating/Infidelity,Childhood Friends,College life,Crime,Drama,Full Color,Horror,Mystery,Police,Psychological,Slice of Life,Survival,Thriller,Tragedy
وہ لڑکی جو جذبات کو دیکھ سکتی تھی۔

🇵🇰وہ لڑکی جو جذبات کو دیکھ سکتی تھی۔

The Girl Who Could See Emotions / Das Mädchen, das Emotionen sehen konnte /девушка, которая могла видеть эмоции / Dekle, ki je znalo videti čustva / La fille qui pouvait voir les émotions /La ragazza che poteva vedere le emozioni / La chica que podía ver las emociones / Ang batang babae nakakakita ng emosyon / Gadis yang bisa melihat emosi / 감정을 보는 소녀 / 感情が見える少女 / 能够看见情绪的女孩 / Cô gái có thể nhìn thấy cảm xúc / Duyguları görebilen kız / الفتاة التي تستطيع رؤية العواطف / دختری که می توانست احساسات را ببیند / jenta som kunne se følelser / Pigen, der kunne se følelser / A garota que podia ver emoções / dziewczyna, która widziała emocje / het meisje dat emoties kon zien / หญิงสาวผู้มองเห็นอารมณ์ได้ / वह लड़की जो भावनाओं को देख सकती थी
🇯🇵Manga,Oneshot,Josei(W),Kodomo(Kid),Seinen(M),Shoujo(G),Shounen(B),Mature,Violence,Boys,Childhood Friends,Girls,Kids,Magic,Magical Girls,Monsters,Mystery,School Life,Slice of Life,Super Power,Supernatural,Tragedy
Chapter 2 (Bonus)