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Shaman King Zero

🇪🇸Shaman King Zero

takei hiroyuki
Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Martial Arts,School Life,Supernatural
Chapter 5
Karakuri Dôji Ultimo

🇪🇸Karakuri Dôji Ultimo

Karakuridoji Ultimo / Ultimo / 機巧童子ULTIMO
takei hiroyuki / stan lee
Volume 1 Chapter 3


Karakuridouji Ultimo
takei hiroyuki / lee stan
Shounen(B),Action,Fantasy,School Life,Sci-Fi,Supernatural
Chapter 15
Accel World

Accel World

Axel World
kawahara reki / aigamo hiroyuki
Shounen(B),Action,Drama,Romance,School Life,Sci-Fi
Chapter 42


takei hiroyuki
Chapter 0
Koutetsu no Hanappashira

Koutetsu no Hanappashira

鋼鉄の華っ柱 / 钢铁的华之柱 / Koutetsu no Hanabbashira / Steel' / s Flower Stake / Supporting Flowers with Steel / The Flowering Pillar of Steel / The Steel Arbor of Flowers
nishimori hiroyuki
Shounen(B),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 8
Wanko Number One

Wanko Number One

わんこナンバーわん / Man's Bestest Friend / Wanko Number Wan
tamakoshi hiroyuki
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Chapter 44
Doushirou de Gozaru

🇪🇸Doushirou de Gozaru

道士郎でござる / 高校武士道士郎 / I'm Doshiro / I'm Doushiro / I'm Doushirou
nishimori hiroyuki
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,Martial Arts,School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 1
VITA Sexualis

VITA Sexualis

VITA Sex Alice / VITAセクスアリス
higuchi tatsuhito / yoshino hiroyuki / satou kenetsu / komatsu e-ji
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Mature,Action,Harem,Mecha,Romance,School Life,Sci-Fi,Supernatural
Volume 2 Chapter 9
Kidou Senshi Gundam C.D.A. - Wakaki Suisei no Shouzou

Kidou Senshi Gundam C.D.A. - Wakaki Suisei no Shouzou

Char's Deleted Affair -Portrait of a Young Comet / Gundam: Char's Deleted Affair [C.D.A] - Portrait of Young Comet / Gundam: Char's Deleted Affair [C.D.A] ~ Portrait of Young Comet / Kidō Senshi Gundam: C.D.A. Wakaki Suisei no Shōzō / Mobile Suit Gundam C.D.A. - Wakaki Suisei no Shouzou / Mobile Suit Gundam Char's Deleted Affair / Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Deleted Affair - Portrait of Young Comet / Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Deleted Affair: Portrait Of Young Comet / 機動戦士ガンダム Char's Deleted Affair [C.D.A.] 若き彗星の肖像 / 機動戦士ガンダムC.D.A.若き彗星の肖像
tomino yoshiyuki / yatate hajime / kitazume hiroyuki
Tsukihime - Moe Moe Ren-chan and the Dangerous Women (Doujinshi)

Tsukihime - Moe Moe Ren-chan and the Dangerous Women (Doujinshi)

Tsukihime dj - Moe Moe Ren-chan and the Dangerous Women
jishou seijunha (circle) / hiroyuki
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Boys Be

Boys Be

新恋愛白書 / Boys Be...
itabashi masahiro / tamakoshi hiroyuki
Chapter 1
Shura no Mon Iden - Fudekage

Shura no Mon Iden - Fudekage

修羅の門異伝 ふでかげ / Fudekage / Shura no Mon Iden Fudekage / Shura no Mon Iden: Fudekage / Syura no Mon-Iden Hudekage
kawahara masatoshi / tobinaga hiroyuki
Shounen(B),Martial Arts,Romance,Sports
Volume 8 Chapter 24
Kidou Senshi Z Gundam Sayonara

Kidou Senshi Z Gundam Sayonara

Mobile Suit Z Gundam Sayonara / Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Sayonara / 機動戦士ΖガンダムSayonara
kitazume hiroyuki
Chapter 0
Touhou - Acting on Instinct. (Doujinshi)

🇪🇸Touhou - Acting on Instinct. (Doujinshi)

Actuando por Instinto / Honnoo no Mama ni / 本能のままに。
jishou seijunha (circle) / hiroyuki
Doujinshi,Yuri(GL),Ecchi,Comedy,Shoujo ai
Chapter 0
Gacha Gacha

Gacha Gacha

ガチャガチャ / 恋爱风波 / GachaGacha / GachaX2
tamakoshi hiroyuki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Gender Bender,Romance
Chapter 55
Hiiragi-sama wa Jibun o Sagashite Iru.

Hiiragi-sama wa Jibun o Sagashite Iru.

柊様は自分を探している。 / Hiiragi-sama wa Jibun o Sagashite Iru / Hiiragi-sama wa Jibun wo Sagashiteiru. / Miss Hiiragi is Searching for Herse
nishimori hiroyuki
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Letter Bee

Letter Bee

テガミバチ / 信蜂 / 傳信蜂 / ผึ้งจดหมาย / Tegami Bachi / Ong Đưa Thư
asada hiroyuki
Tegami Bachi

🇪🇸Tegami Bachi

ผึ้งจดหมาย / 信蜂 / テガミバチ / Letter Bee / Ong Đưa Thư / زنبور نامه بر
asada hiroyuki
Adidas  Fever

Adidas Fever

Adidas Fever - Lust for Life / Adidas Fever - Those Who Will Never Return / アディダスマンガフィーバー
anthology / araki hirohiko / asada hiroyuki / benoît peeters / d [di:] / emile bravo / frédéric boilet / françois boucq / françois schuiten / gyoubu ippei / inoue takehiko / kamijo atsushi / kuroda iou / kusumoto maki / matsumoto taiyou / max cabanne / nicolas de crécy / nishimura shinobu / obata takeshi / okano reiko / otomo katsuhiro / penthon / tajima sho-u / taniguchi jiro / terada katsuya / yamada yoshihiro / yasuhiko yoshikazu / yazawa ai / yokoyama hiroshi / yong soon young / yoshino sakumi
Chapter 3
Tales of Innocence

Tales of Innocence

テイルズオブイノセンス / 无罪传说
kaidou hiroyuki / namco tales studio / bandai namco games
Chapter 12
Mai-Otome Arashi

Mai-Otome Arashi

舞‐乙HiME嵐 / 舞-乙HiME 嵐 / Mai Otome Arashi / My-Otome Arashi
yoshino hiroyuki
Chapter 7
Suzumiya Haruhi - Ai wo awasete, SOS Dan!! - (Doujinshi)

Suzumiya Haruhi - Ai wo awasete, SOS Dan!! - (Doujinshi)

jishou seijunha (circle) / hiroyuki
Volume 3 Chapter 0
Gacha Gacha - Secret

Gacha Gacha - Secret

Gacha Gacha ~Secret~
tamakoshi hiroyuki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Gender Bender,Harem,Romance
Chapter 55
Nectar of Dharani

Nectar of Dharani

神呪のネクタール / Nectar of Dharani / Nectar of Divine Curse
yoshino hiroyuki / satou kenetsu
Chapter 21
Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to

Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to

マンガ家さんとアシスタントさんと / 漫画家与助手们 / The Comic Artist and His Assistants / The Manga Creator and the Assistant and…
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Comedy,Harem,Romance,Slice of Life
Chapter 0
Hammer Session! in High School

Hammer Session! in High School

ハンマーセッション in High School / ハンマーセッション! in High School / 震撼鮮師高校篇 / 震撼鲜师高校篇 / Hanmaa Sesshon! in High School
tanahashi namoshiro / yatsu hiroyuki
Shounen(B),Comedy,Drama,School Life
Butsu Zone

Butsu Zone

仏ゾーン / 佛zone / Death Zero / Itako no Anna
takei hiroyuki
Chapter 15
Love Automation

Love Automation

tamakoshi hiroyuki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Romance,School Life,Sci-Fi
Volume 1 Chapter 0
A Girls

A Girls

ア ガールズ / AGirls似曾相识
itabashi masahiro / tamakoshi hiroyuki
Chapter 13
Aho Girl

Aho Girl

アホガール / 笨女孩 / Aho-Girl / Dummy Girl
Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,School Life
A Girls

A Girls

AGirls似曾相识 / ア ガールズ
itabashi masahiro / tamakoshi hiroyuki
Volume 3 Chapter 15
Aho Girl

🇪🇸Aho Girl

Ahogaru: Clueless Girl / アホガール / Chica Tonta / Dumb Girl
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Volume 6 Chapter 96
Butsu Zone

Butsu Zone

仏ゾーン / 佛zone / Death Zero / Itako no Anna
takei hiroyuki
Volume 3 Chapter 20
Getter Robo Anthology - Shinka no Ishi

Getter Robo Anthology - Shinka no Ishi

ゲッターロボアンソロジー~進化の意志~ / Getter Robo Anthology - Will of Evolution
dynamic pro / fujihara masayuki / imaishi hiroyuki / nagai go / ooi masakazu / shimizu eiichi / shimoguchi tomohiro / tamaki nozomu / tsushima naoto
Volume 1 Chapter 5
Nani mo Nai Kedo Sora wa Aoi

Nani mo Nai Kedo Sora wa Aoi

何もないけど空は青い / 何も無いけど空は青い / Nanimo Nai Kedo Sora wa Aoialt Nanimonaikedo Sora wa Aoi / There Isn' / t Anywhere But the Sky' / s Blue
nishimori hiroyuki / iinuma yuuki
Shounen(B),Action,Drama,Romance,School Life,Sci-Fi
Chapter 3