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🇮🇩SMA Cowok [Namaku BL]
남고 소년, High School Boy
Park Ji
🇰🇷Manhwa,Yaoi(BL),Mature,Comedy,Drama,School Life,Shounen ai
Goodbye, In-Law! (Official)
Goodbye In-laws / 再也不见 / 굿바이 사돈
Gyogyo Park
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Full Color,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life,Supernatural,Time Travel
The Shape of Your Love «Tapas official»
For Our Love / For Your Love / Kimi no Koi ni Tsuite (nodeok) / La difficulté d'aimer (French) / หนุ่มจอมจุ้นขอเป็นพ่อสื่อ / キミの恋について / ボクたちの恋について / 關於你的愛 / 너의 사랑에 대하여 / 우리의 사랑에 대하여
PARK Nodeok
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Drama,Full Color,Romance,School Life,Shounen ai,Slice of Life
My Blasted Reincarnated Life (Official)
Damn Reincarnation / Dannata reincarnazione / Fichue réincarnation / Maldita reencarnación / Чертова реинкарнация / تناسخ لعنتی / การเกิดใหม่สุดเฮงซวย / このろくでもない素晴らしき転生 / 糟糕的重生 / 該死的輪迴 / 轉生後變成天才 / 빌어먹을 환생
Mok-ma (Novel) / KiKi (Storyboard) / Park Jeong Yeol
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Magic,Reincarnation
The Poisonous Healer [Official]
Poison-Eating Healer / ポイズナー 〜毒を喰らうヒーラー〜 / 毒中之王疗愈师 / 독 먹는 힐러
kyungwon park / Team POVE
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shounen(B),Action,Dungeons,Fantasy,Full Color,Monsters,Post-Apocalyptic
The Player Who Can't Level Up [Official]
Level-Up Motaneun Player / Player Who Can't Level Up / The Player That Can't Level Up / Игрок, который не может повысить уровень / 无法升级的玩家 / 레벨업 못하는 플레이어
GaVinGe / Parrot Kim / Tae_A / PARK Jungjae / Studio Khit
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shounen(B),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Beasts,Demons,Fantasy,Full Color,Magic,Martial Arts,Monsters
Her Summon (Official)
Geunyeoui Sohwansu / 그녀의 소환수 / A Invocação
Jin-Jun Park
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Action,Adventure,Comedy,Demons,Fantasy,Full Color,Isekai,Magic,Mystery,Parody
Matchmaking Baby Princess
중매쟁이 아가황녀님
Jimmy Shin / Park Karin/Big Karin
The Pain in My Neck
The Man Next Door Is a Vampire / Next Door Vampire / 옆집 남자가 뱀파이어
Face Park / PARK Mi-nam
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Adult,Mature,Smut,Slice of Life,Supernatural,Vampires
If You Get Caught by the Dragon's Tail
[거시,기록 단편선] 용의 꼬리에 잡히면 / 龙尾缠绕的图片 / 용의 꼬리에 잡히면
Park Minam
The Man Next Door Is A Vampire (18+)
Park mi-nam / 박미남
I Won't Accept Your Regrets
당신의 후회는받지 않겠습니다 / I Won’t Accept Your Regret
Park Hae-nae / Jeje
Death Architect [Official]
Death Planner / 설계 <데스 플래너> / Seolgye
lee soon-ki / park jong-sung
Itaitashii Love
Amours blessantes / At the Park / 痛々しいラヴ / Heavy and Pop (♀) / Heavy and Pop Female / His Scent / Holiday Part 2 / Liebe und andere Lügengeschichten / Painfully from the Heart / Sweet (NANANAN Kiriko)
nananan kiriko
Josei(W),Seinen(M),Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Angel of Death Azrael
Azrael (PARK Jung-Yul)
kim hwan-chae / park jung-yul
Beast 9
비스트 나인 / 비스트 9
yoon jae ho / jo seung-yeop park jin-hwan
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Action,Comedy,Gender Bender,Mecha,Romance,Sci-Fi,Supernatural
Dark Air
다크에어 / Sứ mệnh bão táp
park min-seo
Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Gender Bender,Romance,Tragedy
Kochira Katsushika-ku Kamearikouen-mae Hashutsujo / This is the Police Station in Front of Kameari Park in Katsushika Ward
akimoto, osamu (story & art)
Shounen(B),Comedy,Military,Slice of Life
🇹🇷A Simple Thinking About Blood Types
A Simple Study of Blood Types / A Simple Thinking About BloodType / 혈액형에 관한 간단한 고찰 / Ketsuekigata-kun!
park dongsun
Comedy,Psychological,Slice of Life
Black God
黒神 / 흑신 / Black God / Heuk Shin / Kurogami / Kurokami / Kuro Kami / Dumnezeul negru (Romanian) / Черен бог (Bulgarian)
lim dall-young / park sung woo
Itaitashii Love
痛々しいラヴ / Amours blessantes / At the Park / Heavy and Pop (♀) / Heavy and Pop Female / His Scent / Holiday Part 2 / Liebe und andere Lügengeschichten / Painfully from the Heart / Sweet (NANANAN Kiriko)
nananan kiriko
The Breaker: New Waves
jeon geuk-jin (story), park jin-hwan (art)
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,Drama,Martial Arts,Romance,School Life
Angel of Death Azrael / Azrael (PARK Jung-Yul) / 아즈라엘
kim hwan-chae / park jung yul
총사 / Chongsa / 總士 / 銃士 / Gunner / Mousquetaire / Musketeer
kim joon-hyung / park sung-woo
Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Historical,Martial Arts
Beast 9
비스트 9 / 비스트 나인
yoon jae-ho / jo seung-yeop / park jin-hwan
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Action,Comedy,Gender Bender,Mecha,Sci-Fi,Supernatural
宫/我的野蛮王妃 / らぶきょんLOVEin景福宮 / 궁(宮) / Gung / Hoàng cung / Palace / Palace Story / Palais (French) / Princess Hours / The Royal Palace / 我的野蠻王妃 / 我的野蛮王妃
park so hee
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Historical,Romance,Slice of Life