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The Time of Rebirth

The Time of Rebirth

I was Stuck on the Same Day for One Hundred Thousand Years / I Was Trapped on the Same Day for a Hundred Millennium / 我被困在同一天十万年
🇨🇳Manhua,Shounen(B),Action,Fantasy,Full Color,Harem,Martial Arts,Reincarnation,Romance
Chapter 230
After Ten Millenia in Hell (Official)

🇮🇩After Ten Millenia in Hell (Official)

1万年ぶりに帰還したプレイヤー / After Ten Millennia in Hell / Man Nyeon Mane Gwihwanhan Player / Гравець, Який Повернувся Після 10,000 Років. / Гравець, який повернувся через 10 000 років / Игрок, который вернулся спустя 10 000 лет / 时隔万年回归的玩家 / 만 년 만에 귀환한 플레이어
Ju Kyung Maeng (Terapin) / Butterfly Valley / 4PLAYER (Terapin)
Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later

🇧🇷Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later

1万年ぶりに帰還したプレイヤー / After Ten Millenia in Hell / Man Nyeon Man-e Gwihwanhan Player / Man Nyeon Mane Gwihwanhan Player / Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later / To Hell and Back / Гравець, Який Повернувся Після 10,000 Років. / Гравець, який повернувся через 10 000 років / Игрок, который вернулся спустя 10 000 лет / بعد عشرة آلاف سنة في الجحيم / เพลเยอร์ผู้กลับมาในรอบหมื่นปี / 时隔万年回归的玩家 / 歷經萬年回歸的玩家 / 만 년 만 에 귀환 한 플레이어 / 만 년 만에 귀환한 플레이어
Butterfly Valley (나비계곡) / Team 4PLAYER
🇧🇷Manhwa,Seinen(M),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Comedy,Demons,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Isekai,Magic,Monsters,Romance
Chapter 72
La Famille du duc a besoin d'un médecin

🇫🇷La Famille du duc a besoin d'un médecin

The Doctor Is Out / The Family Doctor Is Gonna Resign Since She Is Already Done With Everything / Doctor Resignation / The Attending Physician Does Her Job and Resigns / 主治医师完事后准备辞职 / 주치의는 할 일 다 하고 사표 씁니다
Yunajin / mieum / sugle
Chapter 23
Lonely, Lonely Fireflies / Kunang-kunang [GLinrz]

🇮🇩Lonely, Lonely Fireflies / Kunang-kunang [GLinrz]

Kunang-kunang yang kesepian, / Lonely, Lonely Fireflies
Mille / Mille, Qian Ben
🇨🇳Manhua,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Je ne retournerai pas dans ma famille qui m'a abandonné

🇫🇷Je ne retournerai pas dans ma famille qui m'a abandonné

Cha eundo
Chapter 1
PEACH BOY by Anna Miller

🇮🇩PEACH BOY by Anna Miller

복숭아 소년
Yoo young / -
Chapter 10
Perfect Family (Official)

🇮🇩Perfect Family (Official)

Eine perfekte Familie / Une famille parfaite / 完璧な家族 / 完美的家族 / 완벽한 가족
Chapter 55
Close Family [Official]

Close Family [Official]

Intimate Family / 亲密无间的家人 / 친밀한 가족 / Une famille très intime
Keri / Firecat
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Seinen(M),Adult,Mature,Smut,Childhood Friends,Drama,Full Color,Harem,Romance
Episode 69
Heaven Official's Blessing - Una vista di mille Lanterne

🇮🇹Heaven Official's Blessing - Una vista di mille Lanterne

Tian Guan Ci Fu - A View of a Thousand Lanterns / 天官赐福 - 千灯观
Mo xiang tong xiu / Mao tuan xiao jian jian
Millenniums of Warring States (Official)

Millenniums of Warring States (Official)

Sengoku Millenium / Warring States / Warring States of a Millennia / Zhan Guo Qian Nian / 战国千年 / 소르골 전기:천년전쟁
Times Man Wang
🇨🇳Manhua,Seinen(M),Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Isekai,Martial Arts
Chapter 43
The Villainous Family Is Against Independence

The Villainous Family Is Against Independence

La familia de los villanos se opone a la independencia / Ma famille scélérate est contre ma indépendance / My Villainous Family Is Against My Independence / My Villainous Family Won't Let Me Be (Indonesian) / Семья злодеев против моей независимости / ครอบครัวตัวร้ายปล่อยฉันไปเถอะ / 反派家族反对独立 / 恶棍家族反对独立 / 惡棍家族反對我獨立 / 악당 가족이 독립을 반대한다
Lee Huin, Mitchu / Hearty
Chapter 1
Stella to Mille Feuille

🇯🇵Stella to Mille Feuille

🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 7
Or Something Like It (Official)

Or Something Like It (Official)

No, you na / の、ような。 / Comme une famille
Asou Kai
🇯🇵Manga,Josei(W),Shoujo(G),Drama,Kids,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter Nine
Legend of the Thousand Year Tiger [GEXA]

🇮🇩Legend of the Thousand Year Tiger [GEXA]

Millenary Tiger / 천년범
Chapter 48
[EN] I Shall Master This Family 🇺🇸

[EN] I Shall Master This Family 🇺🇸

I Shall Master This Family / I'll Be the Matriarch in This Life / 今生我会成为家主 / 이번 생은 가주가 되겠습니다 / En cette vie, je deviendrai la cheffe de famille / I Will Become the Mistress of This Life / Ibeon Saengeun Gajuga Doegetseumnida / In This Life, I Will Be Lord / In This Life, I Will Be the Lord / In This Life, I'll Become the Head of the Family / В этой жизни я - глава семьи / На сей раз я - хозяйка этой жизни / Я стану хозяйкой этой жизни
Kim Roah / Mon
🇰🇷Manhua,Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Reincarnation,Romance,Time Travel
Chapter 146
Baek Clan’s Terminally ill Young Master

Baek Clan’s Terminally ill Young Master

Baek Clan's Terminally Ill Young Master / Le Malade de la famille Baek / The Baek Clan's Sickly Young Master / 武林世家绝症公子 / 白氏世家絕症公子 / 백씨세가 시한부 공자
Bido / JC Media
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Martial Arts
Chapter 45
How to survive as a maid in a horror game

🇵🇱How to survive as a maid in a horror game

Gongpo Game Maid-lo Saranamgi / Le tueur de la famille Paltzdraf / Surviving as a Maid in a Horror Game / ホラーゲームのメイドとして生き残る / 공포 게임 메이드로 살아남기 / 在恐怖游戏中作为女仆活下去
Kim YomYum / SINcere(Art)
🇰🇷Manhwa,Josei(W),Adaptation,Comedy,Fantasy,Full Color,Game,Historical,Horror,Mystery,Romance,Survival,Transmigration
Rozdział 5
I'll Retire After Saving the World [ Dropped ]

🇮🇩I'll Retire After Saving the World [ Dropped ]

I Will Save the World And Then Retire / 세상만 구하고 은퇴하겠습니다
Millem / Salam / Son (손) / Studio DAM
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Seinen(M),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Fantasy,Full Color,Magic,Martial Arts,Super Power,Time Travel,Tragedy
Chapter 5
Man of Many Faces (Official)

Man of Many Faces (Official)

20 Masken!! (German) / 20 Mensō ni Onegai!! / 20面相におねがい!! / 20면상에게 부탁해 / El ladrón de las mil caras (Spanish) / Il ladro dalle mille facce (Italian) / Le voleur aux cent visages ! / Man of Many Faces / O Homem de Varias Faces (Brazilian Portuguese) / Si Wajah Misterius / The Thief with 20 Faces / Двадцатиликий / Многоликий / 怪盜千面人!!
Chapter 5
Millennium Snow (Official)

Millennium Snow (Official)

一瞬間のロマンス / 千年の雪 / Isshunkan no Romance / 千年之雪
Hatori Bisco
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Sin City

Sin City

Frank Miller
How to Be a Family [Chi]

🇮🇩How to Be a Family [Chi]

Cách thức trở thành gia đình / Une famille en devenir / แผนลับสร้างครอบครัว / 如何成为一家人 / 家族になる方法 / 成为家人的方法 / 가족이 되는 방법
🇰🇷Yaoi(BL),Mature,Romance,Shounen ai
Chapter 6
Usotsuki Mille Feuille

🇯🇵Usotsuki Mille Feuille

Milhojas de mentiras / Sweet Lies Layered Like a Mille Feuille / うそつきミルフイユ
The Love That Howls at the End of the Millennium

The Love That Howls at the End of the Millennium

Ayato Miyoshi
Frank Miller's Pandora

Frank Miller's Pandora

Frank Miller / Anthony Maranville / , / Chris Silvestri / Emma Kubert / (illustrator)
Chapter 6
A Howl of the Heart [Official]

A Howl of the Heart [Official]

Sennenki Sueni Hoeru Koi / The Love That Howls at the End of the Millennium / 千年紀末に吠える恋 / Sennenki Sue ni Hoeru Koi
🇯🇵Manga,Yaoi(BL),Childhood Friends,Fantasy,Historical,Romance
Clive Barker's Hellraiser Omnibus Vol. 1

Clive Barker's Hellraiser Omnibus Vol. 1

Clive Barker / Mark Alan Miller / , / Leonardo Manco / (Illustrator) / Stephen Thompson / Ibraim Roberson / Jordie Bellaire / Juan Manuel Tumburús
Spawn Compendium

Spawn Compendium

Todd McFarlane (Writer/Illustrator), Alan Moore (Writer) / , Neil Gaiman (Writer) / , Dave Sim (Writer), Frank Miller (Writer), Grant Morrison (Writer), Tom Orzechowski (Writer), Andrew Grossberg (Writer), Julia Simmons (Writer) / Greg Capullo (Illustrator), Marc Silvestri (Illustrator), Tony S. Daniel (Illustrator), Dan Panosian (Illustrator), Art Thibert (Illustrator), Mark Pennington (Illustrator), Batt (Illustrator), Billy Tan (Illustrator), Kevin Conrad (Illustrator), Danny Miki (Illustrator)
Chapter 35
Цього разу я володарка свого життя

🇺🇦Цього разу я володарка свого життя

I Shall Master This Family / In This Life, I Will Be the Lord / Цього разу я господарка свого життя / У цьому житті я очолю родину / n cette vie, je deviendrai la cheffe de famille / Cette fois-ci, je serais la Matriarche
KIM Roah / Seomal / Ant Studio / Mon (몬)
🇰🇷Manhua,Shoujo(G),Adventure,Drama,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Reincarnation,Romance
Chapter 20
How to Survive as a Maid in a Horror Game

How to Survive as a Maid in a Horror Game

공포게임 메이드로 살아남기 • 공포 게임 메이드로 살아남기 • Surviving as a Maid in a Horror Game • No Exit Horror • เมื่อฉันเป็นเมดที่ต้องเอาตัวรอดในเกมสยองขวัญ • Gongpo Game Maid-lo Saranamgi • Wie man als Dienstmädchen in einem Horrorspiel überlebt • Cómo sobrevivir en un videojuego de terror • Вижити як покоївка в грі жахів • 在恐怖游戏中作为女仆活下去 • ホラーゲームのメイドとして生き残る • Le tueur de la famille Paltzdraf • Sống Sót Như Một Hầu Gái Trong Trò Chơi Kinh Dị • Gongpo Game Maid-ro Saranamgi • 恐怖遊戲女僕生存記
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Adaptation,Comedy,Fantasy,Full Color,Game,Historical,Horror,Mystery,Romance,Survival,Transmigration
Chapter 68
Je ne retournerai pas dans ma famille qui m'a abandonné

🇫🇷Je ne retournerai pas dans ma famille qui m'a abandonné

Cha eundo
Batman The Dark Knight Returns

🇫🇷Batman The Dark Knight Returns

Batman the dark knight
Frank Miller
🇬🇧Comic,Western,Seinen(M),Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Drama,Mystery,Psychological,Romance,Super Power,Superhero,Thriller
Tome Intégrale
La Forêt Millénaire

🇫🇷La Forêt Millénaire

Kounen no Mori / 光年の森 / Im Jahrtausendwald / El bosque milenario
Taniguchi Jiro
🇯🇵Manga,Seinen(M),Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Magic,Psychological,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Tome Oneshot
Le Chevalier Errant

🇫🇷Le Chevalier Errant

The Hedge Knight / Hedge Knight / Sworn Sword / The Mystery Knight / L'épée Lige / L'Œuf de Dragon / L'Oeuf de Dragon
George R. R. Martin / Ben Avery / Brian Miller / Mike S. Miller / Mike Crowell
🇬🇧Comic,Western,Seinen(M),Shounen(B),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Military,Mystery,Psychological,Romance,Royal family,Royalty,Slice of Life,Thriller,Tragedy
Tome 2