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Corpse Party: Book of Shadows

Corpse Party: Book of Shadows

kedouin makoto / orie mika
Chapter 12
Endo Hiroki Tanpenshuu

🇪🇸Endo Hiroki Tanpenshuu

Because You're Definitely a Cute Girl / Boys Don't Cry / Endo Hiroki Tanpenshu / Endo Short Stories / Endou Kouki Tanpenshu / For Those of Us Who Don't Believe in God / Hang / High School Girl 2000 / Nouvelles d'Hiroki Endo / Platform / Tanpenshu / The Crows, the Girl, and the Yakuza
endo hiroki
Seinen(M),Drama,Psychological,Sci-Fi,Slice of Life,Tragedy
Volume 2 Chapter 7
Nobody Knows

Nobody Knows

아무도 모른다
lee hyeon-sook
Chapter 28
Fellows! Cover Stories

Fellows! Cover Stories

fukushima kumiko / fukushima satoshi / hirahama kamome / irie aki / kajitani shino / kashiki takuto / kikuchi ruchi / kurosu takane / makita maki / masahiko / matsumoto yuki / midori foo / miyata kouji / mori kaoru / nagano kouko / nagasawa shin / nakagawa asako / nudou chie / rumiko / sanada junko / takada kenichi / takahashi hirona / takahashi natsuko / toba ame / tomi akihito / unoshima yoh / wakatsuki kumiko / yabuuchi takahiro / yoshimoto masume
Chapter 4
Afuresou na Pool

Afuresou na Pool

あふれそうなプール / 溢满之池 / Afure sou na Pool / Afuresouna Pool / As the Pool Floods with Water / As the Pool Overflows With Water
ishihara satoru
Manga,Yaoi(BL),Drama,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 33
Abnormal: The One Who Stands Against God

Abnormal: The One Who Stands Against God

Abnormal / ATOWSAG / Rebellion Against God
ayrke de aguiar braga / gustavo janebro da cunha / marina vinhas
Volume 1 Chapter 0
Dare mo Shiranai

Dare mo Shiranai

Daremo Shiranai / Dare mo Shiranai - Tsupuuyuu / No One Knows / No One Knows: What Confucius Did Not Speak Of / Zi Bu Yu
xia da
Chapter 1
Crows Zero II Suzuran x Houen

Crows Zero II Suzuran x Houen

クローズZERO2鈴蘭×鳳仙 / Crows Zero 2 - Suzuran x Housen / Crows Zero II: Suzuran x Housen
takahashi hiroshi / tetsuhiro hirakawa
Chapter 45
Nise no Chigiri

Nise no Chigiri

Marriage Vows / Second Generation Promises
kanshuu idea factory / sakurai shushushu
Chapter 19
Kaze ni Chiru Hanabira to Kiss

Kaze ni Chiru Hanabira to Kiss

風に散る花びらとキス / Petal and Kiss Which Scatter in the Wind / To where the wind blows
himegi mika
Drama,Romance,Shounen ai
Chapter 0
Crows Gaiden

🇮🇹Crows Gaiden

Next Crows Supplementary Story
takahashi hiroshi
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,School Life
vol.2 ch.4-7
Crows Gaiden - Katagiri Ken Monogatari

🇮🇹Crows Gaiden - Katagiri Ken Monogatari

takahashi hiroshi / yabe kyosuke
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,School Life
Chapter 0
Kaze ni Chiru Hanabira to Kiss

🇵🇹Kaze ni Chiru Hanabira to Kiss

風に散る花びらとキス / Petal and Kiss Which Scatter in the Wind / To where the wind blows
himegi mika
Drama,Romance,Shounen ai
Seishun Trickers

🇵🇱Seishun Trickers

青春トリッカーズ / Komatsu-san of the Newspaper Club / Shinbunbu no Komatsu-san / 新聞部の小松さん 続
mizuno minami
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Volume 1 Chapter 3
Sono Go No Crows

🇮🇹Sono Go No Crows

Crows: The Aftermath
takahashi hiroshi
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,School Life
vol.1 ch.1-7
Grisaia no Kajitsu -Le Fruit de la Grisaia-

Grisaia no Kajitsu -Le Fruit de la Grisaia-

グリザイアの果実 / グリザイアの果実 -LE FRUIT DE LA GRISAIA- / 灰色的果实 / Grisaia no Kajitsu - Le Fruit de la Grisaia / Le Fruit de la Grisaia / The Fruit of the Grisaia / Grisaia no Kajitsu - L' / oiseau bleu / Grisaia no Kajitsu - Sanctuary Fellows
front wing / hirose shuu
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Mature,Action,Comedy,Drama,Harem,Mystery,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life,Tragedy
Chapter 13
Kuroko no Basuke dj - Who Knows

Kuroko no Basuke dj - Who Knows

Kuroko no Basket dj - Who Knows
pina / pinanz
Doujinshi,Romance,Shounen ai
Chapter 1
News na Kare!

🇪🇸News na Kare!

NEWSな彼! / Newsworthy Boyfriend!
yamato nase
Yaoi(BL),Drama,School Life
W's - Doubles

🇵🇱W's - Doubles

W's / W's~ダブルス~ / Ws绝妙搭档
seo kouji
Volume 3 Chapter 12
Kimi ni Todoke x Aozora Yell

🇪🇸Kimi ni Todoke x Aozora Yell

45 Degree Eyebrows / 45° Eyebrows / Kimi ni Todoke x Aozora Yell / Mayuge no Kakudo wa 45° de
kawahara kazune / shiina karuho
Shoujo(G),Comedy,School Life
Chapter 0


クローズ / Crows: Bouya Harumichi, Furukawa Osamu Kaikouhen / Crows: Busou Sensen Reimeihen / 热血高校 / Kargalar / Вороны
takahashi hiroshi
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,School Life
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Crows Respect

Crows Respect

クローズ ・リスペクト
tetsuhiro hirakawa
Chapter 6
Corpse Party - Book of Shadows

🇪🇸Corpse Party - Book of Shadows

コープスパーティー Book of Shadows / Corpse Party Book of Shadows / Corpse Party: Book of Shadows / Карнавал Трупов - Книга Теней
kedouin makoto / orie mika
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Ginsekai no Shoumei

🇫🇷Ginsekai no Shoumei

銀世界の証明 / 银色世界的证明 / 雪之印记,银世界的证明 / Ginsekai / The Snowscape's Emblem
akizuki sorata
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Mahou Tsukai no Namida

Mahou Tsukai no Namida

魔法使いの涙 / Koi to Obake no Sodatekata / Mahoutsukai no Shippai / Muchi to Obake no Shitsuke Kata / Secret News / Tears of a Wizard / The Magician' / s Mistake
naono bohra
Volume 1 Chapter 3
Abnormal: The One Who Stands Against God

Abnormal: The One Who Stands Against God

Rebellion Against God / ATOWSAG / Abnormal
ayrke de aguiar braga / gustavo janebro da cunha / marina vinhas / abnormal: the one who stands against god 129
Chapter 115
Tiger and Sharp Claws

Tiger and Sharp Claws

王虎的利爪 / Wáng hǔ de lì zhuǎ / Wang Hu de Li Zhua
hei muo shen / yuan si ming
Seinen(M),Mature,Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Martial Arts,Tragedy
Chapter 21
Kono Sekai ga Game da to Ore dake ga Shitteiru

🇷🇺Kono Sekai ga Game da to Ore dake ga Shitteiru

この世界がゲームだと俺だけが知っている / Bu Dünyanın Oyun Olduğunu Bilen Tek Kişiyim / Eu sou o único que sabe que este mundo é um jogo / I Am the Only One Who Knows This World Is a Game / Только я знаю, что этот мир - игра
usber / ichizen
Chapter 1
Tiger and Sharp Claws

Tiger and Sharp Claws

王虎的利爪 / Wang Hu de Li Zhua / Wáng hǔ de lì zhuǎ
hei muo shen
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Action,Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Martial Arts
Chapter 21
Crows Ladies

Crows Ladies

Chapter 4
Ginsekai no Shoumei

🇮🇹Ginsekai no Shoumei

銀世界の証明 / 银色世界的证明 / 雪之印记,银世界的证明 / Ginsekai / The Snowscape's Emblem
akizuki sorata
Volume 1 Chapter 1
Kono Sekai ga Game da to Ore dake ga Shitteiru

Kono Sekai ga Game da to Ore dake ga Shitteiru

この世界がゲームだと俺だけが知っている / Bu Dünyanın Oyun Olduğunu Bilen Tek Kişiyim / Eu sou o único que sabe que este mundo é um jogo / I Am the Only One Who Knows This World Is a Game / Только я знаю, что этот мир - игра
usber / ichizen
Chapter 11


tetsuhiro hirakawa
Chapter 3
Kono Sekai ga Game da to Ore dake ga Shitteiru

🇪🇸Kono Sekai ga Game da to Ore dake ga Shitteiru

この世界がゲームだと俺だけが知っている / Bu Dünyanın Oyun Olduğunu Bilen Tek Kişiyim / Eu sou o único que sabe que este mundo é um jogo / I Am the Only One Who Knows This World Is a Game / Только я знаю, что этот мир - игра
usber / ichizen
Chapter 4
The Eternal Fool's Words of Wisdom: A Pawsitively Fantastic Adventure

The Eternal Fool's Words of Wisdom: A Pawsitively Fantastic Adventure

The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool "Asley" / Yuukyuu no Gusha Asley no, Kenja no Susume: to, Pochi no Daibouken / Yuukyuu no Gusha Asley no, Kenja no Susume / O Princípio de um Filósofo por um eterno idiota "Asley". / Вечно живущий дурень-мудрец «Азли» / 悠久の愚者アズリーの、賢者のすゝめ / 悠久愚者阿兹利的贤者之道
Hifumi (壱弐参) / Mutou Kurihito / Araki Fuu
🇯🇵Manga,Seinen(M),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Magic,Monsters,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Chapter 64.1