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Shaman King: The Super Star

Shaman King: The Super Star

takei hiroyuki / shaman king: the super star 15
Chapter 4


舞-HiME / Dancing Princess / Mai HiME / My HiME / My Princess / My-HiME / Princess Mai
kimura noboru / taniguchi goro / yatate hajime / yoshino hiroyuki / satou kenetsu
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Mature,Action,Drama,Harem,Romance,School Life,Sci-Fi,Supernatural
Chapter 5
Shinju no Nectar

🇮🇹Shinju no Nectar

Hiroyuki Yoshino / Kenetsu Satou
Fate/Zero - Fubin Sugiru Zero Saber wo Motto Ijimetai (Doujinshi)

🇪🇸Fate/Zero - Fubin Sugiru Zero Saber wo Motto Ijimetai (Doujinshi)

不憫すぎるゼロセイバーをもっといじめたい / Fate Zero dj - Fubin Sugiru Zero Saber wo Motto Ijimetai / Fate Zero dj - I Want to Tease Poor Zero Saber More! / Fate/Zero dj - Fubin Sugiru Zero Saber wo Motto Ijimetai / Fate/Zero dj - I Want to Tease Poor Zero Saber More!
jishou seijunha (circle) / hiroyuki
Volume 1 Chapter 2
Shaman King: Red Crimson

Shaman King: Red Crimson

Shaman King: Red Crimson
takei hiroyuki
Chapter 1
Kou 1 Desu ga Isekai de Joushu Hajimemashita

🇪🇸Kou 1 Desu ga Isekai de Joushu Hajimemashita

高1ですが異世界で城主はじめました / 고 1 그렇지만이 세계에서 성주 시작했습니다
kagami hiroyuki / kamiyoshi rika
Chapter 11
Wareware wa Neko de Aru

Wareware wa Neko de Aru

We Are Cats / I Am a Cat / 我々は猫である
yuki hiroyuki / wareware wa neko de aru 67
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Slice of Life
Chapter 67
Boys Be...

Boys Be...

假日下午 / 新恋愛白書
masahiro itabashi / tamakoshi hiroyuki
vol.1 ch.1-5
Ihabu no Seikatsu

Ihabu no Seikatsu

Ichabod / The Life of Ichabod / イハーブの生活 / 非常识生活
shouji hiroyuki
Chapter 12
Makyou no Shanana

Makyou no Shanana

魔境のシャナナ / Makyo no Shanana
yamamoto hiroshi / tamakoshi hiroyuki
Manga Surprise!

Manga Surprise!

ashinano hitoshi / kuroda iou / takezaki tony / chen uen / yasuji tanioka / yasuda hiroyuki / pope paul / mazzucchelli david / i / manga surprise! 16
Chapter 14
Funbari no Uta

Funbari no Uta

ふんばりの詩 / Funbari Poem / Funbari Song / The Poem of Funbari / The Song of Funbari
takei hiroyuki
Chapter 5.5
Dragon Quest e no Michi

Dragon Quest e no Michi

takizawa hiroyuki / dragon quest e no michi 2
Slice of Life
Chapter 2
Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to

Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to

マンガ家さんとアシスタントさんと / 漫画家与助手们 / The Comic Artist and His Assistants / The Manga Creator and the Assistant and…
Seinen(M),Ecchi,Comedy,Harem,Romance,Slice of Life
Angel Girl

Angel Girl

Tenshi Girl / 天使ガール
🇯🇵Manga,Oneshot,Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Magic,Magical Girls,School Life,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Aho Girl

Aho Girl

Ahogaru: Clueless Girl / アホガール / Chica Tonta / Dumb Girl
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Chapter 125
Tegami Bachi (Official)

Tegami Bachi (Official)

Letter Bee / Ong đưa thư / Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee / テガミバチ
ASADA Hiroyuki
Kyou kara Ore wa!!

Kyou kara Ore wa!!

今日から俺は!! / Bugünden İtibaren Ben!! / De ahora en adelante, es mi turno!! / Due come noi!! / From today on, It's My Turn!! / KKOW!!
nishimori hiroyuki
🇯🇵Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Delinquents,Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Shaman King 0 (Official)

Shaman King 0 (Official)

Jehovah / Shaman King Zero / Yahabe / シャーマンキング0─zero─ / ヤハべえ
Hiroyuki Takei
Chapter 12 [END]
Gacha Gacha

Gacha Gacha

ガチャガチャ / 恋爱风波 / GachaGacha / GachaX2
tamakoshi hiroyuki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Gender Bender,Romance
Shaman King: Red Crimson (Official)

Shaman King: Red Crimson (Official)

SHAMAN KING レッドクリムゾン
Hiroyuki Takei / Jet Kusamura
Chapter 16 [END]
Kyou kara Ore wa!!

🇷🇺Kyou kara Ore wa!!

今日から俺は!! / Bugünden İtibaren Ben!! / De ahora en adelante, es mi turno!! / Due come noi!! / From today on, It's My Turn!! / KKOW!!
nishimori hiroyuki
Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
My Status as an Assassin Obviously Exceeds the Hero's «Official»

My Status as an Assassin Obviously Exceeds the Hero's «Official»

暗殺者である俺のステータスが勇者よりも明らかに強いのだが / Assassin de Aru Ore no Sutetasu ga Yuusha Yori mo Akiraka ni Tsuyoi nodaga / My Status as an Assassin Obviously Exceeds the Brave's
Matsuri Akai / Hiroyuki Aigamo / Tozai
Bonus Story
Crazy Kouzo BC

Crazy Kouzo BC

Crazy Kouzu Basketball Club / Crazy Kouzu BC / I'll Special Edition Package
asada hiroyuki
Shounen(B),Drama,Slice of Life,Sports
Chapter 0
Sembunyikan FL (Shiroyuki)

🇮🇩Sembunyikan FL (Shiroyuki)

The Hidden Saintess
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shoujo(G),Reincarnation,Romance,Royal family
Chapter 10
Love Automation

Love Automation

tamakoshi hiroyuki
Ecchi,Comedy,Romance,School Life,Sci-Fi
Chapter 0
Weapon Girl

🇮🇩Weapon Girl

Heiki Shoujo / 兵器少女 / Gadis Senjata
Senda Hiroyuki (@hiroyuki5060)
Volume 1 Chapter 2
Gacha Gacha - Secret

Gacha Gacha - Secret

Gacha Gacha / Gacha Gacha ~Secret~ / Gacha Gacha: The Next Revolution
tamakoshi hiroyuki
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Gender Bender,Harem,Romance
Nan demo Shite Ageru

Nan demo Shite Ageru

I' / d do anything for you
Chapter 1
A Girls

A Girls

ア ガールズ / AGirls似曾相识
itabashi masahiro / tamakoshi hiroyuki
Chapter 13
Aho Girl

Aho Girl

アホガール / 笨女孩 / Aho-Girl / Dummy Girl
Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,School Life
A Girls

A Girls

AGirls似曾相识 / ア ガールズ
itabashi masahiro / tamakoshi hiroyuki
Volume 3 Chapter 15
Aho Girl

🇪🇸Aho Girl

Ahogaru: Clueless Girl / アホガール / Chica Tonta / Dumb Girl
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
Volume 6 Chapter 96
Butsu Zone

Butsu Zone

仏ゾーン / 佛zone / Death Zero / Itako no Anna
takei hiroyuki
Volume 3 Chapter 20
Getter Robo Anthology - Shinka no Ishi

Getter Robo Anthology - Shinka no Ishi

ゲッターロボアンソロジー~進化の意志~ / Getter Robo Anthology - Will of Evolution
dynamic pro / fujihara masayuki / imaishi hiroyuki / nagai go / ooi masakazu / shimizu eiichi / shimoguchi tomohiro / tamaki nozomu / tsushima naoto
Volume 1 Chapter 5
Nani mo Nai Kedo Sora wa Aoi

Nani mo Nai Kedo Sora wa Aoi

何もないけど空は青い / 何も無いけど空は青い / Nanimo Nai Kedo Sora wa Aoialt Nanimonaikedo Sora wa Aoi / There Isn' / t Anywhere But the Sky' / s Blue
nishimori hiroyuki / iinuma yuuki
Shounen(B),Action,Drama,Romance,School Life,Sci-Fi
Chapter 3